Tuesday 6 November 2012

Unique Client Solutions on Giving your Campaign a Buzz on a Budget

Unique Client Solutions specialise in customer acquisitions for the entertainment industry and we pride ourselves on exceptional campaigns for our clients. But what if you're a small business trying to do it on a budget? Here are some tips on how to create a buzz around your campaign without spending too much money.

Find your target audience

If you’re looking to attract attention on a shoestring then you need to find your target audience, the most specific group of people who want your product, and tailor your campaign to them. Don’t waste time and money on the wider audience. The people who are going to love your product the most are going to be your best ambassadors.

When do customers use your product?

Recognising when your customers use your product is key to finding the time to target them. One of Unique Client Solutions' biggest clients is a home entertainment provider, so we target our campaigns around when their customers would be using home entertainment most. Have you ever noticed on TV that food companies put their adverts on just before lunch or dinner? They’ve got the idea, that’s when your most likely to be tempted to go out and buy their product or service. Make sure you’re reaching your customers at the right time.

Use social media

Social media has become a huge asset to marketing and direct sales companies. You can pop a little message, for free, in front of your target audience every single day. That said, make sure you don’t get caught up in the chaos. Your campaign should stand out from the crowd, and target the right audience at the right time, just as we’ve discussed above. Unique Client Solutions recommends that you think about which social network would be best for your audience, don’t bother putting it on every platform you have if you think that only Twitter will be effective.

Spread the word, in person

At Unique Client Solutions we specialise in face-to-face customer acquisitions campaigns. The reason for this is because we still think the human aspect pays off. Customers like to deal with a real person and be able to ask questions about the product or service they’re thinking of buying. If you’re there to answer them in real time, where they are, you’ve got the greatest chance of getting their custom. You’re greatest asset is yourself, if you’re excited about your product, service or campaign, that buzz is going to spread and you’ll be in business!