Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Adverts for Dogs?! What Will They Think of Next? Asks Unique Client Solutions.

An advert has been released this week which claims to be the first aimed directly at dogs.

The associates at Unique Client Solutions like to settle down in the evening to their favourite soap. Could the advert by dog food company Bakers, interrupt the peace of their evening?  The company has released an advert which combines bells, whistles and barks with high frequency sounds that humans shouldn’t be able to hear.

The advert was premiered on the 13th of February during Emmerdale and is based on 1969 movie The Italian Job. Bakers believe that dogs are expected to react to the advert by pricking up their ears and tilting their heads. Unique Client Solutions sadly didn’t have a dog at hand to test the advert. Thankfully BBC Newsbeat did! One dog seemed completely disinterested in the advert whilst the other met it with barking and mild snarling. The dogs owner said “It definitely got my attention and would make me buy it. I could see this turning annoying though – you’d just end up muting the TV.”

A spokesperson for Bakers said that some young children might still have the hearing range to hear some of the sounds but they were perfectly safe, “It’s about pitch and tone. It’s not about increasing volume, which could potentially go too high.” Now we’re sure it’s safe what does Unique Client Solutions really think about it?

 "Bakers must be hoping that the dogs barking will convince their owners that they are desperate for the product on the screen. At Unique Client Solutions we’d like to give dog owners a little more credit but it is definitely a clever publicity stunt by them which is sure to see their sales rise.”

The Telegraph’s Jojo Moyes had a slightly more humorous take on the gimmick. If it’s successful she predicts “smell-o-vision is the obvious next step: a pungent odour of kipper or catnip emanating from your magazine sachet.” Unique Client Solutions will reserve judgment on that one. What will they think of next?!