Monday, 6 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions Wonders What the Future Holds for Jessica Ennis

After her emphatic victory to win the gold medal at the London 2012 Olympics, Jessica Ennis has a bright future ahead of her. Unique Client Solutions looks at what she can expect.

If there is one thing that Unique Client Solutions is exceptionally proud of, it’s home grown talent. So when Jessica Ennis crossed the finish line in the 800m, the final event in her heptathlon, people around Sheffield and the country celebrated. The customer acquisitions company has its headquarters in the city and you could honestly hear the cheers from peoples houses on Saturday evening! Quite aside from the glory that Ennis can expect to bask in over the next few weeks Unique Client Solutions has investigated what her future will look like.

Ennis was well and truly the poster girl of the London 2012 campaign. That position often comes with a price and many have faltered under its pressure. Thankfully for Jessica she was simply too well prepared, too focussed and too talented. Well before the games Ennis has enjoyed attention from sponsors which have brought her lucrative endorsement deals from big names like Jaguar, Powerade, British Airways, and Aviva. Her earnings leading up to the Olympics were estimated to have topped £1m.

The managing director of Unique Client Solutions, Simon Tomlinson, said “Sports is big business, we only have to look at footballers in the Premiership to realise that. However Ennis has everything going for her. She performed to all expectations, she has the looks and she’s an eloquent ambassador for UK sport. Sponsors will be lapping her up.” Coventry University Business School expect her earnings to double over the next year to at least £2m and they believe she can expect to earn around £5m over the next three years.

Mr Tomlinson says that there are big incentives out there for sportsmen and women outside of sponsorship. “Many athletes have performance bonuses built into their contracts. So they’ll get a certain amount for qualifying for their event, another amount if they reach the final and then much more if they win a gold medal or title.”

Where does Unique Client Solutions think Jessica will be in the next few years? “Putting aside her good looks and her sponsorship deals, Jessica is simply a world-class athlete. The hours that go into that means that these people have an exceptional level of drive, something that we really admire at Unique Client Solutions. Jessica will without a doubt go on to be a very wealthy lady but her intelligence and talent will also mean that she will do a huge amount for the UK promoting sport. Finally we’re confident that we’re going to continue to see her winning medals and titles around the world. First and foremost she’s an athlete and we think that will top all her priorities.”