Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions Approves of Businesses in Schools Plan

The Confederation of British Industry argues that businesses must spend more time in schools. Unique Client Solutions wholeheartedly agrees.

With unemployment figures so high, and school leavers and graduates struggling to enter the job marketing Unique Client Solutions is very aware of the fact that the gap between education and businesses is wide. Ask any business what their biggest problem is with finding people to fill positions and they’ll answer, skills. Customer acquisitions company, Unique Client Solutions looks at new plans being suggested by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and discusses why they think they will help to bridge the gap.

Neil Carberry is director of employment and skills at the CBI, he says “The short-term challenge is the advice and support we give to young people who work hard at school… a lot of young people are deeply impressive. We need to make sure they get the advice and support they need.” Unique Client Solutions has previously reported on the Government Youth Contract, £1 billion being invested to help young unemployed people to get a job, through paid work experience. Employers can get financial support from the Government for taking on such people.

A spokesperson for Unique Client Solutions Nottingham believes that the first step has been taken now businesses must do more. “We totally agree with the CBI that businesses have a duty as part of society to invest time and money into the people who will work for them. However that doesn’t just mean at the highest level, it means right down to the bottom.”

The CBI wants to take this one step further and take businesses into primary schools, Mr Carberry continued, "The first thing is an inspirational strategy, linking up what we do at school with what we do in later life." He says that interest is not lacking, “There is a massive upsurge in businesses prepared to get involved in schools. The challenge is how to make it happen everywhere. The Nottingham area is lucky in that it has  number of very strong private-sector employers.”

Unique Client Solutions believes that businesses can, and will do more. “Businesses around the country and particularly in Nottingham where we are based are very aware that more needs to be done. The problem is linking businesses with schools and universities. Once this is achieved the UK will be able to set itself apart from the rest of the world because of the strength of its innovation thought the strength and education of its people.”