Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions Approves of Businesses in Schools Plan

The Confederation of British Industry argues that businesses must spend more time in schools. Unique Client Solutions wholeheartedly agrees.

With unemployment figures so high, and school leavers and graduates struggling to enter the job marketing Unique Client Solutions is very aware of the fact that the gap between education and businesses is wide. Ask any business what their biggest problem is with finding people to fill positions and they’ll answer, skills. Customer acquisitions company, Unique Client Solutions looks at new plans being suggested by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and discusses why they think they will help to bridge the gap.

Neil Carberry is director of employment and skills at the CBI, he says “The short-term challenge is the advice and support we give to young people who work hard at school… a lot of young people are deeply impressive. We need to make sure they get the advice and support they need.” Unique Client Solutions has previously reported on the Government Youth Contract, £1 billion being invested to help young unemployed people to get a job, through paid work experience. Employers can get financial support from the Government for taking on such people.

A spokesperson for Unique Client Solutions Nottingham believes that the first step has been taken now businesses must do more. “We totally agree with the CBI that businesses have a duty as part of society to invest time and money into the people who will work for them. However that doesn’t just mean at the highest level, it means right down to the bottom.”

The CBI wants to take this one step further and take businesses into primary schools, Mr Carberry continued, "The first thing is an inspirational strategy, linking up what we do at school with what we do in later life." He says that interest is not lacking, “There is a massive upsurge in businesses prepared to get involved in schools. The challenge is how to make it happen everywhere. The Nottingham area is lucky in that it has  number of very strong private-sector employers.”

Unique Client Solutions believes that businesses can, and will do more. “Businesses around the country and particularly in Nottingham where we are based are very aware that more needs to be done. The problem is linking businesses with schools and universities. Once this is achieved the UK will be able to set itself apart from the rest of the world because of the strength of its innovation thought the strength and education of its people.”

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions Unconcerned By GSCE Grade Fall

Unique Client Solutions was surprised but unconcerned to learn of the first drop in GCSE grades in history.

Surprising results published this morning showed a fall in A*-C GCSE grades, the first fall since they were introduced 24 years ago.  Unique Client Solutions, a customer acquisitions company with offices in Sheffield and Nottingham explain why this might not be a bad thing.

Both GCSE and A-Level results have been steadily improving year on year since the exams were created however in an unexpected turn of events this grades have fallen for GCSE's. The overall drop in grades C or higher means fewer students passed the core subjects science, maths and English that are needed to progress in most professions. Unique Client Solutions believe that this will have a knock on effect on A level and university results if students are forced to re-sit the GCSE exams or simply settle with the lower grades.

In an attempt to address concerns of "dumbing down" and to ensure results were comparable, England's exams regulator Ofqual told exam boards they would have to justify any results notably different to those of previous years. A spokesperson for Unique Client Solutions said, “Although it’s a shame top GCSE  grades have fallen, it’s great to see that there are still overachievers who are working hard and reaching their goals. We’re sure the results are well deserved. Perhaps these figures might worry people at first but we think it will help to single out the real high achievers.”

Unique Client Solutions recognise academic achievements and feel that exam results are important. “Achieving well at school is a way to show potential employers that you are motivated and committed to the task at hand. That said success can be reflected in other forms through sporting and extra-curricular activities. Also those who have the time management to have a job while continuing their studies are also well regarded. Experience and versatility is everything in this difficult job market and it’s important to have many strings to your bow.”

Monday, 20 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions on Timeless Leadership

Unique Client Solutions looks at the fundamentals of leadership that never go out of fashion.

Keeping ahead of the game when it comes to customer acquisitions is fundamental to the success of Unique Client Solutions. We’re constantly mixing the tried and tested with the new to find the best possible techniques for our sales to ensure our clients the best possible results. We like to think of ourselves as great mentors too, and are keen to learn from others about the methods that they use to be great leaders. However, at Unique Client Solutions we believe that there are three aspects of being a great leader that never change.

Firstly mentorship. No matter how good we are at what we do, at Unique Client Solutions we believe in education at every level. Picking a mentor is something that you should take time over. What do you want to get out of your relationship? Have they been through the same things that you’re going to go through? Will they push you as much or as little as you want? When we’re mentors we aim to guide and encourage and help them to get everything they can out of the relationship.

Empathy is sometimes easily overlooked in any fast-paced business world. However the ability to spot when your team members are anxious or overwhelmed is an important leadership trait. In competitive industries like direct sales there are a lot of confident and driven individuals but everyone has a human side. At Unique Client Solutions we believe that you should remember to develop your emotional intelligence as much as anything else. Everyone has bad days and you need to know how to get the best out of people on every day. You’ll have to adapt your techniques accordingly.

Trust is essential for any relationship to develop. Do you have the trust of your team? Do you trust them? Trust is earned by being consistent in what you say and do. At Unique Client Solutions we value the trust of our clients and that ethos filters down through our company.

For more leadership information, visit our blog.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions Reviews The Bourne Legacy

Unique Client Solutions reviews The Bourne Legacy.

After all the fuss surrounding the latest Batman film it is easy to see why the latest film in the Bourne franchise hasn’t had the build-up of its predecessors. The Sheffield and Nottingham based company offers outsourcing solutions to the entertainment industry so films are their passion. On Saturday some of the film buffs at Unique Client Solutions took it upon themselves to head down to the cinema and see what the latest installment had to offer. The first three films were firm favourites at the customer acquisitions company, would the fourth live up to expectations?

The film is written to run concurrently with The Bourne Ultimatum and look at the fallout from the Treadstone programme, this time looking at one called Outcome. Jeremy Renner plays Aaron Cross, one of six agents who are medicated to make them ultra-efficient. Of course when the programme shuts down, like with Treadstone, the agents must be eliminated. 

The film misses Paul Greengrass who directed the first three films. Tony Gilroy in the directors chair is left with the difficult task of trying to piece together a sequel but without its star actor and without a fantastic plot. The film still has the grit of its predecessors, Renner is actually very good but along with Rachel Weisz and Ed Norton they’re struggling to create something incredible out of a mediocre plotline. There are tantalizing moments when snippets of newsreel suggest that Jason Bourne is still out there and at Unique Client Solutions we wish he was.

Don’t get us wrong, this is still a perfectly enjoyable film to watch but unlike the last two films, this feels like a sequel a la Scream 2, 3 and 4. They’re trying to re-create the same ideas of the previous films but with a new group of people. So what is the verdict of the team at Unique Client Solutions? There is plenty to keep you interested but don’t go in with the misconception that this is a continuation of a fantastic story, it isn’t. This is a spin-off through and through. If they intend to do another we hope that they put a little more effort into creating a truly great plotline that will do the first three films justice. We give it 7/10.

 For more reviews and film news keep an eye out for updates on Unique Client Solutions blog and website!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions Wonders What the Future Holds for Jessica Ennis

After her emphatic victory to win the gold medal at the London 2012 Olympics, Jessica Ennis has a bright future ahead of her. Unique Client Solutions looks at what she can expect.

If there is one thing that Unique Client Solutions is exceptionally proud of, it’s home grown talent. So when Jessica Ennis crossed the finish line in the 800m, the final event in her heptathlon, people around Sheffield and the country celebrated. The customer acquisitions company has its headquarters in the city and you could honestly hear the cheers from peoples houses on Saturday evening! Quite aside from the glory that Ennis can expect to bask in over the next few weeks Unique Client Solutions has investigated what her future will look like.

Ennis was well and truly the poster girl of the London 2012 campaign. That position often comes with a price and many have faltered under its pressure. Thankfully for Jessica she was simply too well prepared, too focussed and too talented. Well before the games Ennis has enjoyed attention from sponsors which have brought her lucrative endorsement deals from big names like Jaguar, Powerade, British Airways, and Aviva. Her earnings leading up to the Olympics were estimated to have topped £1m.

The managing director of Unique Client Solutions, Simon Tomlinson, said “Sports is big business, we only have to look at footballers in the Premiership to realise that. However Ennis has everything going for her. She performed to all expectations, she has the looks and she’s an eloquent ambassador for UK sport. Sponsors will be lapping her up.” Coventry University Business School expect her earnings to double over the next year to at least £2m and they believe she can expect to earn around £5m over the next three years.

Mr Tomlinson says that there are big incentives out there for sportsmen and women outside of sponsorship. “Many athletes have performance bonuses built into their contracts. So they’ll get a certain amount for qualifying for their event, another amount if they reach the final and then much more if they win a gold medal or title.”

Where does Unique Client Solutions think Jessica will be in the next few years? “Putting aside her good looks and her sponsorship deals, Jessica is simply a world-class athlete. The hours that go into that means that these people have an exceptional level of drive, something that we really admire at Unique Client Solutions. Jessica will without a doubt go on to be a very wealthy lady but her intelligence and talent will also mean that she will do a huge amount for the UK promoting sport. Finally we’re confident that we’re going to continue to see her winning medals and titles around the world. First and foremost she’s an athlete and we think that will top all her priorities.”

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Unique Client Solutions Wades into the Debate About Broadband

Customer acquisitions company Unique Client Solutions gives their take on the broadband debate taking place in the government.

Unique Client Solutions were delighted when they announced several weeks ago that super-fast broadband would be making its way around the country and to both Sheffield and Nottingham where they have offices. The customer acquisitions company specialises in direct sales for the telecommunications industry and their clients are at the forefront of bringing this new technology to the masses. However there has today been some criticism from a Lords committee which has warned that the government’s broadband strategy is too focused on speed and isn’t paying enough attention to bringing broadband to a wider audience.

The committee recommended that the focus of the strategy should be on improving the digital divide around the UK. Digital minister Ed Vaizey disagreed with the report saying that a “lot of public money" was already committed to extending broadband in rural areas.  Though the report wasn’t entirely critical, and praised the government for making broadband a priority, they suggested in the report that, “The delivery of certain speeds should not be the guiding principle; what is important is the long term assurance that new internet applications emerge, everyone will be able to benefit, from inhabitants of inner cities to the remotest areas of the UK.”

What does Unique Client Solutions feel about the situation? “We are incredibly excited about ultra-fast broadband in the UK. It is going to bring us on par with the likes of Hong Kong which offers 1000Mb speeds. However we also completely agree with the Lords committee. Speed should not be at the cost of reaching as wide an audience as possible. There are still people in many parts of the UK who simply cannot access broadband, primarily because they are in rural areas. As more and more of daily life goes online it is essential that the whole of the UK is able to access those services in a secure and speedy way.”

Unique Client Solutions suggest a balanced approach to the problem. “More research needs to be done by both the government and telecommunications companies like our clients to find out where these exceptional speeds are absolutely essential to businesses and the public. Money should be committed here to ensure that we can still compete on a worldwide level. There should also be a great deal of work done to find the areas which have absolutely no access to broadband, and these should be a priority also.”

One thing Unique Client Solutions is certain of is that it will be an exciting couple of years for them and their clients. “We know that huge leap forwards in terms of technology is going to mean that our clients are going to be able to offer incredible services to their customers. We will have the fantastic job of engaging with their customers and bringing these improvements into their homes and businesses. We know they’re going to be delighted.”