Thursday, 13 December 2012

Unique Client Solutions on Mastering Public Speaking

Unique Client Solutions shares their tips for leaders on how to perfect your public speaking.

As an up-and-coming leader, public speaking is going to be required of you at one time or another. Whether it’s to your team of salespeople or to a large meeting, the basic skills are the same. Unique Client Solutions offers four tips that will help you overcome any nerves.


At Unique Client Solutions we recommend that you ignore people who say that they can just step on stage and deliver a speech without practice, they’re almost certainly not telling the truth. Practicing is the easiest way to get rid of nerves because the more comfortable you are with what you’ve got to say, the less likely you are to get tripped up by it and the better you’ll deliver it.

Redefine fear

When someone says that their adrenaline is pumping, we view it as a positive thing. When someone says they’re nervous, it’s a negative. Actually the physical effect is much the same. When your heart starts pounding before a speech stop thinking of it as nerves, instead think of it as adrenaline racing around your body to prepare it for the task in hand. It’s not going to hinder you, it’s going to give you an edge. 


The way you breathe can have a huge effect on your public speaking. Unique Client Solutions has looked at the advice from experts and they recommend to breath slowly, frequently and deeply by drawing your breath from your stomach. This will immediately relax your body and the nerves will wash away. You need to do this just before you’re about to speak, perhaps when you’re being announced.

Forget about yourself

Public speaking isn't about you, it’s about your audience. At Unique Client Solutions we like to put on a great show and we believe public speaking is about delivering something to others. The separation that comes with changing the focus of your attention from yourself to your audience will give you the detachment that you need to reduce some of your nerves.

Whatever industry you work in, and whatever the reason you’re delivering a speech, these skills will help you to relax and enjoy public speaking. Within our team at Unique Client Solutions we have some fantastic public speakers and we ensure that they share their skills as much as possible. Find someone at your company with experience of public speaking and ask them how they prepare. They’re bound to have some helpful ideas that you can use.