Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Unique Client Solutions Champions an Active Lifestyle

Unique Client Solutions was fascinated to learn that a sedentary lifestyle can dramatically shorten our lives.

In a paper published by The Lancet yesterday researchers from 16 countries have worked out the drastic health dangers of an inactive lifestyle. With the Olympics just days away Unique Client Solutions takes a look at the research and explains why they believe an active job is important.

The research shows that worldwide one in three adults doesn’t achieve the recommended 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week and this rises to one in two in the UK. The Lancet researchers have estimated that a lack of exercise is responsible for roughly 5.3m deaths a year, approximately the same number as smoking. This is caused through diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and breast and bowel cancer which have been linked to lack of exercise. A representative from Unique Client Solutions said, “These are really shocking statistics, we’re sure that most people have no idea how great a part lack of exercise plays in their lifespan.”

The researchers are hoping not only to get people into the gym, but to change their lives in such a way that they build physical activity into the their day as much as possible. “At Unique Client Solutions we totally agree, being fit and healthy is not simply about going to the gym once a week. It’s about choosing the stairs instead of the lift, it’s about walking short journeys instead of driving and engaging in fun physical activities with your family and friends.”

Unique Client Solutions is a customer acquisitions and direct sales company with offices in Sheffield and Nottingham. “The nature of our business is thankfully very active. We interact with our clients’ customers in a variety of ways but all of them have us up on our feet chatting with customers on a daily basis. What we notice in our sales associates are that there are healthy, proactive, fun and determined people. We’re sure that their active lifestyles have a lot to do with that.” A healthy lifestyle doesn’t just keep your heart healthy, it can help with insomnia and help manage stress, anxiety and even depression.

With the Olympics just over a week away Unique Client Solutions encourages you to get involved in the huge number of sports events that are taking place around the country celebrating London 2012. By all means watch Usain Bolt in the 100m but don’t spend your whole summer in front of the TV. Get out there and get active!