Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Unique Client Solutions Ask: Is Poor Maintenance Slowing Broadband?

Unique Client Solutions has recently read a report suggesting that businesses and homeowners are suffering from slow broadband speeds simply because they’re not maintaining them enough.

A report by internet provider TalkTalk has suggested that simple DIY maintenance of broadband networks in corporate and home premises could speed up their connections. Unique Client Solutions, who provide customer acquisitions to the broadband industry read the report with interest particularly considering that plans for super-fast broadband speeds are well under way.

TalkTalk’s chief engineer Dan Downham has said that faulty wiring and poorly configured routers are the cause of the majority of connectivity problems. He added that these problems can be fixed by businesses or homeowners very easily. “A bit of basic home maintenance and some re-jigging of the wiring…could speed up internet connections no end.”

The news comes as cities around the UK are finding out whether they have received the necessary funding to install super-fast broadband that will allow speeds of up to 100Mb. Unique Client Solutions were delighted when they found out that Sheffield and the surrounding area would be one of the regions to receive the new technology which will see some of the fastest speeds in the world as standard.

A spokesperson for Unique Client Solutions said, “Business leaders have been raising the issue of a need for faster broadband for some time now. There is no doubt that the introduction of super-fast broadband around the UK is a huge step forward and incredibly welcome, however this news from TalkTalk is something that all businesses and homeowners should take note of. Just like a well maintained car runs well, broadband should be looked after with the same care if you want your internet to work well.”

The report suggested that broadband speeds of up to 4Mb are being lost from peoples internet connections for an estimated half a million homes in the UK due to bad internet set ups. The spokesperson for Unique Client Solutions continued, “These are significant figures. Most broadband providers have helpful technology teams who are on hand to talk through any issues, if you think your speed is significantly slower than it should be then it’s probably worth giving them a call.”

Unique Client Solutions offers our clients a unique service to deal with all of their customer acquisition and campaign management needs. For more information please visit http://www.uniqueclientsolutions.org