Monday, 7 January 2013

Unique Client Solutions: Are We Wired for Success?

Unique Client Solutions looks into research suggesting that our brains are designed to thrived off success. Can we use this to our advantage?

At customer acquisitions company Unique Client Solutions we’re pretty fascinated by the science behind success. So research suggesting that we respond better to success than to failure and that we’re biologically wired for success is like music to our ears!

A team of scientists from MIT and Harvard have found evidence that there are biological factors that create mental momentum. They found that our neurons retain memory and become more finely tuned when we succeed, but they don’t when success isn’t present. Unique Client Solutions works in the competitive world of direct marketing and success is key to our businesses, so we’re naturally intrigued to see if environment and learning come into play.

The study found that when we learn something new and have a success, even if it is only a very small one, the brain gets a hit of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure. Dopamine is also needed to thicken the neural pathways which allow you to learn a new skill. Your brain is drawn to activities that give you that hit of pleasure. So you can actually become addicted to success and the more you succeed the longer your brain retains the information to help you succeed again.

What can we do at Unique Client Solutions to use this to our advantage in business? Firstly it’s important to aim for success rather getting comfortable with learning from our failures. We’re told from a young age that learning from our mistakes is a useful tool, however, this research suggests that we should focus more on getting it right first time.

Next, keeping a positive attitude is essential. Negativity causes the stress hormone cortisol to block access to the part of the brain that breeds success. It then becomes a repeating cycle of negativity and failure.

Finally it’s important to allow yourself to celebrate! When you’re teaching someone a new skill celebrate their successes first and foremost. Where possible ignore their mistakes, only bring them up if they’re going to cause long-term damage.

At Unique Client Solutions we’re delighted with any excuse to celebrate. A spokesperson for the company said, “This actually makes a lot of sense, the more we try to remain positive and aim for success the more likely we are to do so. At Unique Client Solutions we always try to have a positive environment, now we have scientific proof that it’s the reason for our success!”